January 28, 2018 7:38 pm Published by



Wound Healer Reiki has 3 levels and this is the first empowerment of the series. Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds. It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers.

Wound Healer Reiki’s unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being. Wound Healer Reiki level 1 is designed for emotional, physical and etheric body wounds. Physical wounds heal quicker with this energy.

You are embarking on an incredible new journey! Life will never be the same. Some people feel excited, others nervous, all is ok. You will now receive strongly from your Source all the healing that is healthy for you at this time. Even healing is change, and a body and being can only handle so much change at one time. That is why frequent use of Wound Healer Reiki will bring the most complete and lasting results.

After you receive your empowerment, prayer will be an active, two-way connection. You shall request that Wound Healer Reiki be brought through and out of you to the intended recipient when you put your hands on, or above a person, animal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, plant or rock.

Wound Healer Reiki is felt first and foremost as a pulse, after you receive your empowerment. You will become accustomed to feeling it with heat eventually, if your body is comfortable with allowing such. You also learn how to conduct Wound Healer Reiki sessions for people who are in the same room with you.

You will receive a .pdf manual.
Certificate issued if needed.
Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture

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