Akashic Records Clearing Session – Merging Parallel Lives plus more – 3 separate sessions

November 20, 2024 3:39 pm Published by



Akashic Records Clearing Session – Merging Parallel Lives plus more
– 3 separate sessions

Sometimes, the Akashic records contain information in the form of vows that were initially useful to our soul growth but are no longer pertinent. We have gotten the gist of the lesson, and we do not need to continue to live with the vows in place.

The Akashic records also contain vows we have made. We live on a planet of polarity so it is part of our soul growth to experience duality. It is very important to clear past vows in the Akashic records.

Removes, Heals and Releases:

Both self and Parallel Life’s Negative Ego which Controls Third Dimensional Knowledge and Blocks the Ability to Obtain Creator Wisdom
Blocks to Accessing Creator Blueprints which Control 12 DNA
Strands to Total Enlightenment
Blocks to Healing Parallel and Separated Aspects of self
Blocks Preventing self From Realignment with Parallel Lives and with
The Creator God of All There IS
Negative Feelings for Both self and Parallel Lives of the Fear of Being Different and Standing Up for Ourselves
Birth and Death Traumas that were associated with Parallel Lives
All the Etherically Generated Codes Implanted on Multi-Atomic Levels that Created the Concept of Separation and the Feelings of Abandonment for Both self and Parallel Lives
Negative Influence Created by the Stacking Effect of Negative Belief
System One Upon the Other Throughout Many Incarnations
Negative Memories of Trying to Control Fear of Parents Approval which has Affected Both self and Parallel Lives

And more……

I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a facilitator, via long distance.
Included: 3 separate sessions or can be run back to back

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