Akashic Records Clearing Package of 8 different themes – total package of sessions: 24

November 22, 2024 1:17 am Published by



Akashic Records Clearing Package of 8 different themes
– 3 sessions included per theme
– total package of sessions: 24

Sometimes, the Akashic records contain information in the form of vows that were initially useful to our soul growth but are no longer pertinent. We have gotten the gist of the lesson, and we do not need to continue to live with the vows in place. I call this a regurgitation of soul experiences because the agreement is more detrimental than helpful, yet we continue to create the same occurrences over and over again as we subconsciously tap the Akashic records for information on our commitments.

The Akashic records also contain vows we have made to collectives or cults. We live on a planet of polarity so it is part of our soul growth to experience duality. It is very important to clear past vows in the Akashic records.

Includes the following sessions:

Break and Rescind Negative Vows / Agreements
Implant and Imprint removal
Forgiving Self and Others
Open Manifestation and Step into Full Alignment
Clearing and Balancing the Four Lower Bodies
Healing and Merging Parallel Lives
Core Karmic Encoded Traits and Patternings
Heal Fractured Emotional Parts
and more……

Benefits (removes, clears and heals):

Break and Rescind Negative Vows / Agreements
Partial Possession and Negative Controlling Devices
Tar on all Subtle Bodies
Talker and Stalker Beings
Anger Spears Sent or Received
Negative Thought Forms
Negative Influences from Egyptian, Atlantean, Lemurian, Pleiadian times
Negative Spells, Pacts, Bindings and Curses
Remove Dark Brothers and Dark Sisterhood Energy Influences
Home, Work and Vehicles Charged with Dark Energy Negative Implants
and more
Implant and Imprint removal
Removes and Heals All Genetic Negative Influences
Breaks & Rescinds Negative Vows and Agreements
Releases, Removes and Heals All Blocks Causing Separation from Spirit
Releases, Removes and Heals All Blocks in regards to Inner Vision and Discernment
Heals All Obsessing Negative Influences
Merges all aspects with Your Beingness
Removes and Heals Any and All Implants of Cosmic Evil
Balances, Heals, Aligns and Unifies Back Into Wholeness
Removes and Heals All Mucous
Releases, Breaks and Severs All Negative Karmic Ties with Past Lives
Releases, Removes and Heals All Negative External and Internal Control Devices on the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Levels
Cleanses and Removes All Toxic Residues on Etheric Blueprint
Clears and Removes All Ooze and Distortions in the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Etheric Bodies
Releases, Removes and Heals All Negative Communication Implants with any fear components attached
Releases, Removes and Heals All Negative Belief Systems from Past, Present and Future
Releases and Removes and Heals All Negative Astral Residue
Clears and Heals All Blocks in Environmental Harmony
Releases, Removes and Heals All Karmic Ties with Dark Forces which include ties with Black Magicians, Fallen Angels, Negative Alien Races, Shadow Masters, Laggard, Dark Priesthood, Twilight Masters, Small & Large Grays, Draconians, and Any and All Other Dark Forces
Forgive Yourself and All Others you have Hurt at a Soul Level
All Memories of Any physical Abuse that you Received or that you Inflicted on Others
Being Used by Others for Their Own Benefit
Forgive Yourself for Using Others for Own Personal Gain and For Allowing Others to Use You
Memories of Mental Abuse that you Received and that you Ever Inflicted on Others
Heal All History of Betrayal of self and Others
Heal All Feelings of Inferiority you have About self and Others
Heal All Deep Seated Anger Towards Yourself and Others
Heal All Memories of Emotional Abuse that you have Received and All that you have Inflicted on Others
Heal All Memories of Psychic Attack from Others Who were or are Angry with you
Heal All Feelings of Superiority Toward Others that you have and that Others have Towards you
Heal All Negative Soul Imprints that are Blocking Forgiveness of self and Others
Heal All Emotional, Mental and Physical Bodies that Hold any Negative Reactions Toward Yourself and Others
Heal All Blocks in the Auric Field that are Blocking Forgiveness of self and Others
Heal and Forgive All that is Needed for Yourself and Others from Prior Lives
Heal and Forgive All Unfinished Business with Mother and Father and Family Members.
Remove Blocks Preventing From Receiving Positive Evolutionary Encodements
Removes All Blocks Integration of Genetic Encodements of Multi-Species and Multi-Universal Encodements in DNA that Are Not to of the Highest Good
Removes All Blocks in the Inner Divine Systems and all Abilities to Integrate a Vaster Sense of Identity with the Creator
Removes All Encodements that Block Inter-Connectedness Within the Universe and Awareness of self and Other Species on Other Ascending Planets Within the Galaxies
Removes All Blocks to Accessing New Brain Function and Non-Human, Higher Positive Perceptivities and Skills
All Blocks Preventing from Becoming a Coordination Point for the Ascension Process which Goes Across Multiple Universal Systems, Multiple Planets and Multiple Species Types, if this is to The Highest Good
Heal All Encodements that Block the Ability to Manifest the Essential Nature through Human Form
Heal All Blocks to Accessing and Manifesting a Piece of the Divine Plan With Confidence, Clarity, Focus, Joy and Financial Rewards
Heal All Blocks to What Is Essentially you, Your I AM Presence, Beyond the Human Cultural Context
Heal All Residue of Encoded Toxic Fear, Anxiety and Feelings of Unworthiness Within The Body’s Consciousness and Unconsciousness
Heal All Blocks in Bio-Transducers Affecting Reception and Translation of Light Languages that Assist in Balancing Four Lower Bodies
Heal All Blocks in Inter-Dimensional Monetary Flow Affecting
Quantum Wealth and Happiness in Present Life
Heal All Energies Blocking the Capacities of All Four Lower Bodies to Receive Divine Guidance Back to Mastery and Balance
Heal All Encodements that Block Integration of New Frequencies of
Light into the Four Lower Bodies
Heal All Blocks to Balancing the Spins of the MerKaBah Light Vehicle
Heal Any Blocks to Aligning All Four Lower Bodies
Heal All Encodements and Implants that Prevent Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual, Ego and Soul Bodies from Shifting from Personal to Transpersonal Relationships
Heal All Cellular Encodements that Block and Affect Emotions and
Survival Patterning in and around Physical Body
Heal All Blocks to Bringing Energies and Multi-Dimensional Perceptions Into Physical Body
Heal All Karmic Encodements that Prevent Other Spiritual Paths from
Becoming Fully Integrated Into Body Consciousness
Heal All Blocks in the Sub-Conscious Mind
Heal All Blocks In Spiritual Ambitions and Spiritual Significance So
They Can Come into Balance
Heal All Negative Encoded Holograms in Body, Galactic and Genetic
Fields that are Blocking the Balancing the Four Lower Bodies
Heal All Blocks to Accessing Creator Truth which Assists in Balancing the Four Lower Bodies
Heal All Etheric Masses that Hold Memories of Genetic Past-Life Diseases that Affect Current Life and Ability to Balance the Physical Body
Heal Any Etheric Masses that Hold Memories of Genetic Present-Life
Diseases, including those Not Cleared Because of Vax
Heal All Lust for: Power, Authority, Influence, Money, Earthly Goods,
and Any Things that is not to Your Highest Good
Both self and Parallel Life’s Negative Ego which Controls Third Dimensional Knowledge and Blocks the Ability to Obtain Creator Wisdom
Blocks to Accessing Creator Blueprints which Control 12 DNA
Strands to Total Enlightenment
Blocks to Healing Parallel and Separated Aspects of self
Blocks Preventing self From Realignment with Parallel Lives and with
The Creator God of All There IS
Negative Feelings for Both self and Parallel Lives of the Fear of Being Different and Standing Up for Ourselves
Birth and Death Traumas that were associated with Parallel Lives
All the Etherically Generated Codes Implanted on Multi-Atomic Levels that Created the Concept of Separation and the Feelings of Abandonment for Both self and Parallel Lives
Negative Influence Created by the Stacking Effect of Negative Belief
System One Upon the Other Throughout Many Incarnations
Negative Memories of Trying to Control Fear of Parents Approval which has Affected Both self and Parallel Lives
Core Karmic Encoded Traits and Patternings Affecting Current Belief Systems that are Causing Feelings of Separation, Male and Female Distrust, Need for Extreme Violence, Self-Doubt, Perfectionism in Self and Others, Sense of Failure
Karmic Traits and Patternings of Instant Karma from the Past
Encoded Traits and Patternings from Criminal Outcasts
Encoded Karmic Traits and Patternings from Negative Past-Life
Memory Patterns from Venus
Encoded Karmic Traits and Patternings of War and Massacre from All
the Dimensions
Encoded Traits and Patternings from Nuclear Blasts Which Created
Holes in the Ozone
Core Karmic Encoded Traits and Patternings Affecting Current Belief System that are Causing Distrust of Self, Paranoia, Need to Struggle, Fear of Domination, Fear of Trusting Others, Prejudice, Need for Arrogance and Anger
Encoded Karmic Traits and Patternings from the Insane
Encoded Karmic Traits and Negative Patternings from Virgo
Encoded Traits and Patternings of Destroying All Life by Nuclear Blast
that Created Spontaneous Combustion of the Atmosphere
Encodements to Block Positive Solar Encodings
Damaged and Cocooned Souls from Third and Fourth Dimensions that are in Need of Healing and that are Influencing Negatively
Fractured and Splintered Emotional Parts that are Under Attack
from a Past Life Memory
Feelings of Betrayal and Revenge
Feelings of Lack of Spiritual Growth and Support
Feelings of Being Unable to Trust Yourself and Others
Portals Open to Negative Biological Memories
Fractured and Splintered Parts that Need Clearing
Behaviors and Emotional Issues which Influence in a negative way
Balances that which Causes Controlling Behavior, Desire for Fixed Outcomes, Judgments and Limited choices
Desires to Punish Yourself and Others
Breaks Ties to Mass Negative Consciousness

I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a healing facilitator, via long distance.
Included: 24 separate sessions

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