Akashic Records Basic Clearing Session
Restructure Fractured Emotional Parts
– 3 separate sessions for easy integration
Sometimes, the Akashic records contain information in the form of vows that were initially useful to our soul growth but are no longer pertinent. We have gotten the gist of the lesson, and we do not need to continue to live with the vows in place. I call this a regurgitation of soul experiences because the agreement is more detrimental than helpful, yet we continue to create the same occurrences over and over again as we subconsciously tap the Akashic records for information on our commitments.
The Akashic records also contain vows we have made to collectives or cults. We live on a planet of polarity so it is part of our soul growth to experience duality. It is very important to clear past vows in the Akashic records.
Removes and Heals:
Fractured and Splintered Emotional Parts that are Under Attack
from a Past Life Memory
Feelings of Betrayal and Revenge
Feelings of Lack of Spiritual Growth and Support
Feelings of Being Unable to Trust Yourself and Others
Portals Open to Negative Biological Memories
Fractured and Splintered Parts that Need Clearing
Behaviors and Emotional Issues which Influence in a negative way
Balances that which Causes Controlling Behavior, Desire for Fixed Outcomes, Judgments and Limited choices
Desires to Punish Yourself and Others
Breaks Ties to Mass Negative Consciousness
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a facilitator, via long distance.
Included: 3 separate sessions