Arcturian Vesica Frequency Session

December 14, 2024 3:49 pm Published by



The first healing frequency is to the Arcturian Divine Masculine Frequency.  This healing frequency is used to enhance, purify, and balance the male energies within yourself.  This brings through qualities of forthrightness, power, and strength. Also, as a physical and etheric tool, this frequency is good for healing aspects involving the nervous system, brain, spinal cord, and autonomic nervous system.

The second healing frequency is to the Arcturian Divine Feminine Frequency.  Here the Arcturians work to cleanse, purify, enrich, and balance the feminine energies and qualities in your system. The energies also work with the Divine Mother, the Womb of Creation, and the Void.  Also this frequency is useful in healing aspects in the physical and etheric body related to the blood, bones, muscles, and sinews.

The Arcturian Vesica Frequency balances simultaneously both the male and female energies in your seven subtle bodies (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine).

Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a facilitator, via long distance.
1 session included

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