This powerful Ascension Codes Upgrade DNA Activation provides a new level of healing and assists your body with the ascension process making it easier to absorb the light codes coming in.
Activates dormant DNA
Stronger connection to your higher self and galactic/soul families
Connection to your spirit guides
Assists opening of your third eye
Activates all strands of DNA
Access the higher realms and your spirit team
Communicate with spirit realm
Embody your soul’s purpose
Awaken and remember who you are at soul level
Clear all unnatural implants and attachments
Activate your lightbody
Aligns you to your spiritual path and soul’s calling
Increased Vitality and renewal of life
Greater awareness and access to higher realms
Healing of your lightbody
Connection to Source
Restores you to your natural divine blueprint
Sacred geometry activation
Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 45 minutes as a DNA facilitator via long distance.