Atlantis Healing System

January 28, 2018 7:35 pm Published by



Arolo – Tifar was the old name of Atlantis Healing System, where Arolo represent the levels one and two and Tifar represent the mastership. The name Arolo-Tifar is under copyright. The name Atlantis Healing System is free of any copyright. Please share this system under the last name. Thank you! Please note that the symbols are not pictured in this manual, you will receive all symbols in a separate manual.


Franz Eckard Strohm rediscovered AROLO in 1993 – 1994 when he found this information in the Akash Chronicle. Franz Eckard Strohm is a well-known healer, medium and clairvoyant man who created the R.A.I. (its headquarters in Koln, Germany).

What is AROLO?

According to the old Atlant alphabet AROLO means:
A = Divine harmony
R = Divine power
O = Innocence, Purity, Chastity
L = Divine light
O = Innocence, Purity, Chastity

AROLO definition

AROLO is a fine, subtle way of diagnosis and energetic treatments that can state precisely the real cause of affection and can indicate the right kind of treatment.

  • The way of learning to be again a pure, innocent child by the help of the divine power, harmony and light.
  • The way of rediscovering the beauty and the truth in ourselves.
  • The way of getting better that we are.
  • The harmony’s way between inner and outer thought and word, God and man.
  • The way man can rediscover his own spirit, his own divine essence.
  • Returning to God, returning to faith.
  • The way we unite with the Universe.
  • Rediscovering the divine in us.

Founder: Franz Eckard Strohm
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