12 sessions – discount package included
Each Light Chamber takes you deeper into your Cosmic Heritage as you activate the dormant DNA, spin the atoms and molecules in the body at increased frequencies of Light, view the Akashic records, align yourself to your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, clear karma on a Cosmic level, go through different levels of initiation, and truly become an empowered, loving Master from a Cosmic perspective.
Chambers of Light are three dimensional rectangular grids of Light brought in by the Company of Heaven in order to assist in the recalibration of the body, energy field and hologram. Depending on the Chamber of Light, you have the opportunity to work from a Spiritual, mental or emotional perspective. The Chambers of Light include integrating the Soul Consciousness aspects to yourself, downloading various disciplines for your Spiritual advancement, healing the deepest levels of your being, and the pain of separation from the splitting from your Twin Flame. Other Chambers will assist you to find emotional balance, activate the DNA, lift your frequency to the appropriate Light energy frequencies and sound vibrations that will connect you to the Great Central Sun and shift the negative thoughts and false beliefs of the sub-consciousness mind, to name a few.
These Chambers of Light are activated through calling upon the various Beings of Light that bring them in. Regular use of these various Light Chambers will bring about acceleration in your forward evolution and changes within your energy field and hologram.
You will feel much clearer and more focused, as the sub-atomic particles in the body spin faster in Light and the DNA unravels its crystalline structure to absorb more Light.
12 Sessions included:
Galactic Photon Ray of Light Chamber – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light to experience the energy of the Photon Rays, which will occur permanently from 2012/2013. These Photon Rays of Light also activate the star tetrahedronal shape as it exists within every cell and molecule in your body, and around your etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Through this activation of the star tetrahedronal shape, you are also able to experience your Light Body.
What to expect: You may see golden white balls and spirals of light merging together and creating different shapes and patterns, different frequencies and sounds, all differing frequencies of the Photon Rays of Light. These Photon Rays of Light in turn spin the subatomic particles in the body faster in higher and lighter frequencies. As the star tetrahedronal shape is activated, you may feel or sense this shape around your etheric, emotional and mental bodies.
Divine eight-cell blueprint Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. As this Chamber of Light suggests, you are being given the opportunity to completely align yourself to your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, so you no longer work from two blueprints. For through the free will of Humanity and the duality upon the Earth plane, many people operate from two blueprints, which creates a level of further duality within the body and at a cellular level.
What to expect: As you open this Divine eight-cell blueprint Chamber of Light, you may feel the atoms and sub-atoms within each cell spin faster in the Spiritual Light of Mother/Father God. You completely surround your will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God, and potentially take on all your original codings of Light and the perfect Adam Kadmon Body of Light.
Akashic Records Synthesis Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. In this Light Chamber, which is usually only experienced in the interlife when you pass over, in order to review your lifetime lessons and perceived challenges, you will be given an opportunity to clear any karmic issues you no longer need to experience. The Akashic Records Synthesis Chamber of Light further allows you to experience the feelings of others, as well as parallel realities. Following this, you are given the opportunity to step beyond the veils of illusion, and experience the Highest Light of Who You Are and have previously been in one or more of these parallel realities.
What to expect: As you open this Chamber of Light, you experience firstly events or perceived traumas in this lifetime that you may still need to clear or work with on the Earth plane. As these holographic images are presented to you, you clearly see and feel the feelings of others that you may have had some issues with in this lifetime. And now, as you continue to look at this screen, you are presented with parallel realities in which similar scenarios have presented themselves, often with many of the same people or situations. Following this, you have the possibility to sense or experience a parallel reality/realities in which you achieved ascension.
Cosmic Karmic Clearing Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by Brotherhood of the Light on Orion. In this Light Chamber, you are being offered an opportunity to clear any cosmic karmic patterns you may have through other planets and stars.
What to expect: You may see before you your Galactic history and any cosmic karmic patterns that you need to clear from a Galactic perspective. As the veils of illusion are lifted, you see yourself on different planets and stars, in this Galaxy or another, and you just release these memories that you have brought with you from your Cosmic Heritage in which you have chosen to experience and perpetuate a duality consciousness. As these etheric cosmic karmic cords are released, you may feel and experience an aliveness and gentleness within each cell and molecule in your body. Scrolls of Light, with a myriad of sacred geometric patterns and key codes also enter the third eye, bringing a clarity and knowing of your Divine Heritage.
Sacred Geometry Reconfiguration Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. Within this Light Chamber, you merge with your past and future Higher Selves of the Light, which will etherically alter your DNA and reconfigure any remaining parts of your three-dimensional Self that need to be lifted to this higher dimensional frequency of Higher Light, so you may permanently operate from this Higher Light.
What to expect: You feel you are merging with the most incredible Beings of Light, who are now appearing before you one at a time. These are your past and future Higher Selves of the Light and they are sending you their Love, their Light, their wisdom, and their experiences as they merge with you. You open to receive this Love and Light and send it back to each one of your Higher Selves of the Light. You feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter as your molecular structure is changing so you may permanently anchor the frequencies of this Higher Light within your body, energy field and hologram. The sub-atomic particles within the body are spinning faster and you may feel Cosmic waves of Love cocooning you as potentially experience yourself as your Higher Self of the Light at different times in your existence. You may also see sacred geometric patterns and shapes of the most amazing colors all around you and hear the most beautiful music, personal to your frequency.
An Empowerment Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. This Empowerment Chamber of Light has the ability to shift the negative thoughts and false beliefs of the sub-consciousness mind, and negative ego, and further assists you in letting go of any addictions you may have.
What to expect: False beliefs and judgments that may be hidden deep within the recesses of the negative ego and sub-conscious mind will be released, many of which you will have forgotten over time, and yet are being played out in different areas of your Life. You may also hear or sense a high pitched tone through the ears, aligning your will more deeply with the Will of the Divine, and a frequency that will assist you to let go of any addictions, and feelings of guilt, shame, blame and so on that you may have.
Sonic Emissions Light Energy Chamber – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Antarian Intergalactic Beings of the Light. There is an etheric net around the earth plane that can potentially take you into the lower vibrations or astral plane of the earth, creating and perpetuating negative thoughts and feelings, and an imbalance within the lower bodies. The Sonic Emissions Light Energy Chamber will assist in lifting your frequency to the appropriate Light energy frequencies and sound vibrations that will connect you to the realms of Illumined Truth, and bring through a deep sense of One Unity Consciousness and unconditional Love. It will further clear the lower energies or disharmonious frequencies within your body, energy field and hologram and create the appropriate Light ray spectrum matching that of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint. For every Being has a particular Light ray spectrum or frequency, and by activating this frequency, you can connect more with those of a similar frequency, as well as have the ability to experience those creative manifestations most suited to your Life task.
What to expect: As the appropriate sound and color frequencies are been anchored and amplified through your body, energy field and hologram in orbs of Light and sound waves to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow, give yourself permission to release any holding patterns, false beliefs and judgments within the body, energy field and hologram, and just allow yourself to experience a deep sense of unconditional Love.
12 Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Brotherhood of the Light. It will allow for changes to take place within the DNA, and perfectly balances the 64 letter cells within the DNA using the Divine name.
What to expect: As you enter this Chamber of Light, changes occur within the DNA, as the DNA is potentially activated at a cellular level. All twelve strands of DNA are also etherically reconnected within your hologram, energy field and body, and the 64 letter cells within the DNA using the Divine name are perfectly balanced.
Cosmic Re-integration Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. It takes all the Soul Consciousness aspects of yourself at a multidimensional level and anchors them through your body, energy field and hologram in this Now.
What to expect: You step more fully into your multidimensional and multifaceted nature, while experiencing a deeper sense of the infinite Now. You may experience numerous prisms of Light coming through at all angles into the body and energy field in a beautiful silver ray, and further experience a sense of merging with all Life – of stepping into the infinite Now as each atom and molecule in your body experiences what it is like to feel and experience the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and through this, all Life. You may also experience this Oneness with your 12 Higher Selves of the Light, some of whom you are already familiar with, and others with whom you will shortly be re-united.
Inner Masculine and Feminine Healing Chamber of Light –
This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light so you may clear at the deepest level of your being the pain of separation from the split with your Twin Ray and find your own inner masculine and feminine balance.
What to expect: It is possible that you may find yourself going back eons upon eons, to the experience of being with your Twin Spirit. You just feel this incredible Love and deep sense of Unity Consciousness. As you then re-experience the separation from your Twin Ray, just allow yourself to feel this sadness and pain, and know that you are now ready to let go of any perceived trauma. For it must be understood that in order to feel the energy of pure Love from another, you need to let go of any level of separation you may still be experiencing and this is what this Chamber of Light will assist you to do. You may further experience a deeper level of trust and surrender in your relationships.
Metatron Activated Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Melchizedek High Priests on Sirius. It will spin the electron-positron pairs within your body at an increased frequency of Light relative to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, which will greatly assist in an increased consciousness awareness of your Service work.
What to expect: Reading the energy harmonics of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint relative to the Multi-Universal blueprint, the electron-positron pairs within your body will spin at an increased frequency of Light. As this occurs, Divine energy transmissions powered through the electron pour into your physical energy body, bringing integrated concepts that you may potentially manifest on a physical level.
Metatronic Science Chamber of Light – This Chamber of Light is brought in by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. In this Light Chamber, you are downloaded with the most appropriate disciplines to further your Spiritual advancement.
What to expect: Your hologram and energy body will be re-modulated with the most appropriate Light packets of information relative to your Service work.
Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a healing facilitator, via long distance.
12 sessions included.