Reiki is an energetic system that can be worn or carried to give you that boost of positive energy. It serves to filter and transform negative frequencies of energy into frequencies that are beneficial to life. A human being that experiences these energy frequencies feels peaceful, content and energized.
When you work with Emotional Freedom Reiki, you feel stronger, more energetic and positive. Emotional Freedom Reiki is a power charging of your positive affirmation or statement of love and acceptance.
Some other benefits of Emotional Freedom Reiki:
– Recover from negative emotions and patterns more quickly.
– Feel harmony and acceptance about your troubles, and then release them.
– Make the healing process more simply, joyful, and powerful.
– Makes your positive affirmations many times stronger.
Distant empowerment sent via chi ball.
You will receive a .pdf manual.
Certificate issued if needed.
Founder: Hari Winarso