Goddess Metatreiya Massage Therapy

December 8, 2024 10:25 pm Published by




The Goddess Metatreiya Long Distant Massage Session brings a connection to the most Divine Feminine frequencies. Working deep into our biophysical matrix, so we sense the codings of Light through our electromagnetic vibration.

Goddess Metatreiya, working alongside Archangel Metatron, brings nurturing bliss to the Human Vessel. It will also assist you in feeling that beautiful Sacred Goddess frequency. There are no words to describe this and it is a source of powerful light held within and yet can be hidden for many reasons. It strengthens our connection to Mother Earth and all within the Universal Realms. It is also most beneficial for the Animal and Plant Kingdom. The session is open to all who wish to experience Divine Goddess frequencies.

Goddess Metatreiya Energy benefits:

– Personal Light Counsel direct with Source
– Highly Transformational and vibrational restructuring frequencies
– Connection to Archangel Metatron & Goddess Metatreiya Light Geometries​
– Nurturing Vibration
– Vibrational experience of Source Light Divine Intervention
– Unification of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Geometries of Light
– Trauma Assistance, light aiding/vibrational alignment and system recovery
– Abuse Recovery, Light Intervention and Energetic Alignment
– Integration and release within the womb of Divine Feminine vibration
– Women’s Health
– Release & Realignment of Neural Pathways to assist Vessel Biochemical Structures
– Menopausal Symptoms and Vessel Support
– Supports the Animal Kingdom
– And so much more!

Goddess Metatreiya Massage is the application and integration of Source Light vibration into the physical vessel (body) through long distance application. The massage application differs slightly from the Metatronia Therapy Session or the Goddess Metatreiya healing session, in that the light is used more specifically to deeply penetrate the body – all the physical aspects of the human body. The Goddess Metatreiya session is more of an energetic healing session and Goddess Metatreiya Massage being a more therapeutic/cleansing of the physical vessel. It prepares the body to hold and absorb higher light vibrations.

“We are here at this time to assist the light preparation of the human vessel.”

Goddess Metatreiya vibration works deep to release, align, relax and rejuvenate. This energy will also assist with injury, disharmony and any areas of discomfort. This is often silent but deep work, with the gentle placement of hands. The vibration begins to work immediately upon the physical form.

Goddess Metatreiya Massage works through divine Light waves (sacred geometric codings/harmonics) bringing assistance into the human vessel. The frequency is felt very strongly and is verification of the support that we have from Source. The light waves work to deeply penetrate all aspects of the physical vessel.

When we are applying Goddess Metatreiya Massage, we are opening ourselves up to fully trusting this “conscious and intelligent” vibration that will begin to immediately and automatically work on alignment of the vessel systems. The light intensively aligns anything out of alignment and to brings comfort. To bring release to what is needed to go. To bring light to what requires light. To bring love where needed. To bring divine light codings. The energy works through divine light vibration. It is brought to the human form through electromagnetic light waves. Unseen by the human eye but very much felt by both the Practitioner and the Recipient.

We are aware of how deep this vibration is working into the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the human form. We are seeing how it is, in its conscious and intelligent capacity, able to assist us on a level that does not require explanation. It is very much felt in the light mechanics of divine Source. We may never fully have the answers to how this works. But what we do know and are becoming more and more aware of is that there is light that assists us and nurtures us. That light is showing itself more and more to us, as “the way forward for humanity to heal and align”. Yes, the linear medicinal methods work, but are limited and we must open our minds and hearts to the light that has always been there for us. It is showing us a new way to assist the human vessel, in a magnificent leap forward in Light Quantum Healing Mechanics. This is not just opening us up to new ways of healing but is assisting the alterations within the DNA/RNA of man that are necessary for our evolution. As we work with this vibration, we are assisting mankind in this divine process of transmutation and transformation. Existing beyond the linear. Opening and widening our consciousness into the eternal.

We are assisting the divine plan and order, and this is very sacred. There is only so much that can be revealed to us at this time. What we do know is that this vibration is assisting the great shift. When you receive this Massage therapy, you will feel the vibration intensely. This is your verification that the “Light is on” and to just be present during the session. The vibration works through the hands. It is not like conventional massage, but it was created as it was felt that a deeper, more therapeutic, penetrating application of Goddess Metatreiya vibration is needed at this time for the aspect of physical body healing, release and alignment.

At the direction of the Elohim, Metatron creates and generates the sacred geometrical Light Codings of the Ascension Programs for Humanity’s Return to Source at this time. Goddess Metatreiya Massage Therapy® re-aligns you, as an extension of Source energy that you are, to your original Source Frequency. As well, as reintegrates the Metatronic and Metatreiya Consciousness within you and corrects the electron spin field, to pure positive energy. This then aligns one to anchor and embody the Divine Light of the One that you truly are, within the holographic matrix. Goddess Metatreiya aligns, corrects and unwinds the perceptions of the mind that has perceived the self as separated and fragmented, and offers an accelerated opportunity of re-alignment to the Pure Inscription of Light of Source that you are.

To expand into your true vessel of light there is an element of restructuring and rebuilding of a new & firm foundation. This is done through Divine Light Connection and takes time to form. As you trust, believe, and are open to receive in your divine surrendering you will begin to experience the truth of the divine light connection through vibrational alignment.

Session Options:

Full Body lightbody massage – 1 hour
Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you as a healing facilitator, via long distance.

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