Golden Ray Empowerment

January 28, 2018 7:36 pm Published by



It is important to forgive the people you have been around, in the past and the present. It is necessary to do in order to evolve further and progress your spiritual development.

This empowerment includes teachings on the healing power of forgiveness. It includes notes on how to release fears so that you may progress spiritually. This is a very lovely, beautiful energy.

This is a master level course.

You cannot move on, unless you forgive.
When you forgive, you become a spiritual beacon.
When you forgive, you become a much better healer.
When you forgive, love flows much easier through you.
When you forgive, you are helping humanity,
When you forgive, you release fear!
When you forgive, you stop attracting negative experiences!

Distant empowerment sent via chi ball.
You will receive a .pdf manual.
Certificate issued if needed.
Founder: Ole Gabrielsen

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