From James Purner, Founder:
“Well dear friends here is about my energy system. In 1986 I received two visions that told me that I was to get further involved in helping people with their emotional, spiritual, and physical problems.
First in deep Buddha meditation, which I was doing about four hours daily at the time, I received a vision which was a figure riding on a donkey across the desert toward me. This figure wore raggedy clothes and wore a white head dressing. I was told that the time had come and that my guide would always be with me. That if I needed help to just ask and it would be received. Then the figure turned and rode off over Sand dunes.
About six months later while laying in bed right after a meditation session – an energetic force touched my third eye and I was totally unable to move. This lasted for about two hours. During this time I began to know that Goddess Isis was the source of this energy (I never knew who she was at that time).
She made herself known to me from that day on. I did not really know that I was to send energy to all at that time. I began knowing that by just touching or glancing at someone they would feel better. As time passed I began sending this energy through time and space (say a thought thing.) The Goddess let me know that she was with me and I asked her to help and the energy purified and became much stronger. As time went on I was instructed to attune others to the system and have been given a simple way of doing that.
What does the healing feel like and what does it do? It feels very similar to Reiki, or Seichim but can intensify many times beyond or you will find that you can use this energy system with any other system and they blend very well.
This energy has been used very successively to heal cancer, heart and other chronic conditions that conventional medicine will not cure. It does not work every time but the success rate is very high.”
Distant empowerment sent via chi ball.
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Founder: James Purner & Linda Vaughan