Intergalactics Healing Session

December 18, 2024 12:11 am Published by



Intergalactics Healing Session – Level 1

Are you feeling drawn to speed up the ascension process?
​Are you feeling the desire to increase your intuitive abilities?
​Are you looking to strengthen your aura?
​Healers… are you feeling the shift to expand your healing abilities?
​Are you ready to speed up your ability to Manifest?

The Earth is currently experiencing a pivotal evolutionary cycle and while this means changes to our planet and societal systems, human consciousness is also at a point of evolutionary change. These changes are motivating the Healers, Earth protectors, Healthcare professionals, Lightworkers and Starseeds of the planet to seek upgrades for themselves as well as deepening the connection to their divine mission here on Earth.

The Intergalactics consist of beings from the Milky Way Galaxy that are here to help the ascension of the planet by upgrading our vibrational frequency to attune us to our ultimate soul missions.

This healing modality strengthens and builds your subtle bodies which comprise your auric field. Intergalactics healing accelerates your healing abilities and increases your intuition.

Level One

Level one Intergalactics healing focuses on strengthening your subtle bodies which consist of six subtle bodies: physical, etheric, astral (emotional and mental), causal (karmic), spiritual, and entity clearing (actual entities and/or negative thought forms).

​This healing will upgrade:

Your physical body
Mental body
Heals old emotional patterns
Heals addictive behaviors

Develops an increased spiritual connection with your spiritual team and spiritual mission.

Intergalactics healing addresses all aspects of the Human template to accelerate each individual’s spiritual path grow to its fullest expression in this lifetime and future incarnations. An intergalactics session includes energy healing and healing from the Intergalactics to accelerate each client’s DNA upgrade and spiritual ascension journey.

Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 1 hour as a healing facilitator, via long distance.

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