This system is the pre-requisite for Lemurian Seed Crystal Empowerments.
The Lemurians were very peaceful beings who lived on the island of Lemuria in the Pacific. While the Atlantians were much more technological, the Lemurians were more orientated with powerful psychic abilities. There was a time when the beings could no longer inhabit their earthly land and some of them left this planet, but yet remained connected. Others live within the earth and are now bringing forth the Lemurian seed crystals to help enlighten us.
This empowerment introduces you to the Lemurians. They will initiate you into their world so that they can communicate with you and they will enhance your psychic abilities. However, once you have had this empowerment, it is necessary that you work with the energies and call upon them in order to strengthen the energies. You must ask them to help you.
This empowerment works to help enlighten you and to teach you, so that you understand the unseen world around you. You may receive messages during this empowerment, and you may see visions, which could include the Great Hall of the Lemurians. Do remember that each person will have their own experience, and that results will vary from person to person, depending on what you are ready to receive and the energies you are ready to have. You will be taken to the Lemurian Temple in spirit, with myself to perform the following:
- Lemurian Temple Initiation
- Lemurian Dimensional Resonance Activation
- Lemurian Dimensional Resonance Alignment
- Lemurian Energy Empowerments
After these initiations you will then be able, at any time, by giving your intent have access to the Lemurian Temple in meditation to meet the Lemurians and receive their help, love and guidance.
This is a Master/Teacher Empowerment and you are taught how to take another person to the Lemurian Temple to perform the initiations.
Founder: Linda Vaughan
Distant empowerments sent by chi ball.
Certificate issued if needed.
You will receive a .pdf manual.