The Melchizedek Method is a complete and comprehensive healing system that draws on ancient healing wisdom. This transformative modality works with Ascended Masters, the Angelic Realms, The Egyptian Mystery School, Cosmic Consciousness, and multi-dimensional energies. Your vibrational frequency is raised on a cellular level, allowing you to hold more Light in your body. You are empowered to step into your Mastery and access your Higher Self and I AM Presence. It provides healing on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, karmically, genetically and spiritually. It treats the elemental bodies, the meridians, and chakras, the organs, the immune system, the muscular and skeletal systems, activates the pineal and pituitary glands, restructures the DNA, re-establishes your Divine Blueprint and more. Specific areas of need in the physical and etheric bodies are directly treated and cleansed. The Melchizedek Method of healing is limitless and powerful.
The Melchizedek Method involves the skills of holographically removing the negative energies from the body, changing the thought process, and heals and rejuvenate the body, and then returns it to the completely perfect. Also, the Holographic healing and rejuvenation skills tend to be practiced by all human beings in the future, according to the Thoth. It helps to rejuvenate the body in less time and successfully.
Many people are feeling drawn to the Melchizedek Method for they recognize this heart-calling. As we connect with this method, not only does it increase one’s Light quotient, but it also increases the Light vibration of Earth and raises the Unity Consciousness of mankind.
The Melchizedek Method was brought through by Alton Kamadon, a powerful channel and healer from Australia, under the direct guidance of the Egyptian Healer, Thoth. It uses both sacred geometry and healing holograms of Divine Light to activate our Merkabah Field of Light, our Ascension Lightbodies, and our own powerful healing and manifesting abilities.
The Melchizedek Method uses the holographic nature of Divine Light to heal. Our DNA, RNA was born through this holographic pattern. The finest particle of our atomic structure has this pattern within it. When we manifest these holograms, and thought project them into activation, they clean, clear, and heal β releasing all lower energies which do not serve us anymore into the Divine Light for transmutation. These same holograms may then call in the higher healing Light to fill the space.
It is also quoted by the great Egyptian Healer β Thoth, that thoughts are the essence of human creation, so it would also seem that thoughts are your medium of travel, manifesting, and healing. One thought is as powerful as the whole universe. One thought, One mind, Unity Consciousness. One thought can manifest into an illness or disease. One thought can erase it. And that the power of your mind knows no limit. We use the power of our thought intention to not only heal ourselves, but also to power-up our Merkabah field of Light, which surrounds us, to take us into astral and interdimensional travel to meet the Divine Beings of Light for our Lightbody activation, Lightwork guidance, and to simply to be βin that Light!β
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I personally work on you for 1 hour as a healing facilitator, via long distance.