Metatron is the Archangel and Seraphim who sits before the throne God. Metatron is the keeper of the outer light of God. AA Metatron is also the Archangel of the Platinum Ray.
Metatron supposedly was the Prophet Enoch before God turned him into an archangel. His primary task among the heavenly court is to maintain the eternal archives of the Lord, recording each and every event that transpires and creating new ones.
“This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.”
Other variations on his name are: Metatetron, Merraton, and Metaraon.
He is one of the greatest of all angels, honoured as the angel of the face, the angel of the presence, chief of the ministering angels, the chief recording angel, chancellor of heaven, the angel by whom the world is maintained, and a being so mighty that he possesses seventy two other names.
Few angels have been the source of such a wide-ranging body of legends and tales, but precious few of the celestial hierarchy are credited with such majesty and power. He was supposedly once a humble mortal being, the antediluvian patriarch Enoch. According to widely reported lore, Enoch earned such merit in the eyes of the Lord for his goodness and abilities as a scribe that he was taken to heaven, an event noted in the Book of Genesis.
As with many mythological characters Metatron is a Magician. There is a legend that speaks of two evil Egyptian sorcerers who used their advanced knowledge of magic to ascend to heaven. Such was their strength that neither Michael nor Gabriel could expel them. Metatron, however, broke their spells and cast out the impudent Egyptians. For this reason, Metatron is considered by some to be superior to most of the angels, including Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. After arriving in heaven he was transformed into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36 pairs of wings as well as innumerable eyes.
He was to be seated at the entrance of the seventh (highest) heaven upon a magnificent throne and all who approached the throne of God should first approach him, for he was henceforth the prince of wisdom and the prince of understanding.
Metatron became the foremost intermediary between the divine and the human, possessing experiences both of the Earthly and the Heavenly. He is linked to many legends. He is the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac; wrestled with Jacob; and led the Israelites under Moses out of the wilderness.
His female equivalent is Shekinah. His twin brother is Sandalphon.
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