a simple, powerful and effective angelic healing energy to help you become more alive, fluid and happy.
Metatronic Healing is a simple, powerful and effective angelic healing energy to help you become more alive, fluid and happy. It is really good for those emotional and psychological problems that we all have from time to time which prevent us from being ourselves and realizing our true potential.
Who is Metatron?
Metatron is described as the angel of divine Presence who bridges Heaven and Earth. He is sometimes regarded as the older spiritual brother who knows where we are and what we need.
He is also said to be one of two angelic beings, the other being Sandalphon, who incarnated into human form. Personally, I like this thought because it means that they have an understanding of the human condition and the difficulties we all have to deal with during our earthly lives. In the vernacular, ‘They ‘get it’!
Can Metatronic Healing help me and how?
Yes! Every living creature has an Energy or Life-force and this Energy or Life Force is the foundation of well-being and is a natural part of our make-up. This has been known by ancient civilizations and is once again becoming acceptable in the West. When the flow of our life-force is compromised or blocked, this has a negative effect on our health. By directing a flow of healing energy towards these places of constriction, the restriction is unwound and released, restoring natural balance to the system.
What causes these restrictions?
It can be as simple as a fall or injury which has not been fully healed or embraced. It could be some past emotion which has been ignored. It could be genetic- a family trait passed down through a way of thinking which eventually takes its toll. Each restriction affects our body in a unique way and manifests as a weakness in a particular organ or in a susceptibility to a particular illness.
What does a Metatronic Healing® Session do?
It flushes out dense fears, emotional issues, conditioning and energetic debris which hold our ‘stories’ within the cells of our body and energy system. The effort consumed holding these blocks in place is gently released. It allows your true self to be revealed. This allows your perception of reality to shift, unwinding tension, releasing inner pressure and therefore promoting physical and emotional health – this is holistic healing.
How does it do that?
A Metatronic Healer has potent and loving frequencies at their disposal, ranging from core aspects of Metatronic’s angelic energies to the vibration of crystals and precious gems like diamonds and rubies, and metals like gold and silver. Of course, this is over-lighted by the angelic healing of Metatron.
What happens during a session?
Firstly you may discuss what you wish the healing focus to be. For example, it may be an area of tension or body issue you have been experiencing. Or, it could be a difficult situation, relationship or recurring pattern in your life that you feel it is time to heal. Healing can happen in your sleep or you can lay down at a set time to receive.
An important part of any healing session is to ensure that the client is made to feel comfortable and safe. The very fact that someone has taken the step to seek Metatronic Healing indicates that they are fully engaged in their own well-being and positive potential. Clients transform their lives with a strength and motivation, due to their desire to be well, and also due to the magnificent, loving energies of healing directed by the practitioner from Metatron.
A word about Metatron
Metatron is a conduit and bridge for divine intelligence and the energy that holds the blueprint for our spiritual journey. It’s important to acknowledge that something as big as this, as dimensional as this, cannot be defined in words.
In a biblical sense, Metatron is described as an archangel, the archangel who bridges Heaven and Earth. Peace that surpasses all understanding. As a result of his work as a human being, he is sometimes regarded as the “older spiritual brother” who knows where we are and what we need. Metatron holds the blueprint for our spiritual journey, and reaches his hand across the veil to guide us back home to health and fullness of being.
I personally work on you for 45 minutes.
Follow-up sessions are also 45 minutes: you can discuss how many sessions may be right for you. You can work with a ‘theme or issue’ per healing as well.