OM Empowerment

January 28, 2018 7:37 pm Published by



The OM Empowerment taps into the vibrational frequency of a particular mantra OM. OM (or Aum) is the mantra of primordial vibration – the sound that created the universe. OM is God in sound form. By meditating on OM, you connect to God. You uplift the consciousness and bring yourself that much closer to enlightenment.

“Let Om be the bow, mind the arrow, and Higher Consciousness the target.
Those who want enlightenment should reflect on the sound and the meaning of Om.
When the arrow is released from the bow it goes straight to the target.”
-Dhyana Bindu Upanishad

Founder: Element Energy Center
Distant empowerments sent by chi ball.
Certificate issued if needed.
You will receive 1 .pdf manual.

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