Shiva Lingam Essence

January 28, 2018 7:37 pm Published by



Shiva Lingam are a sacred stone of the Indian Hindu religion that will intensify the vitality and level of pranic energy within your body. Its vibration has a different action depending on where you place it. To improve your overall health these stones are powerful as they stimulate the energy system of the entire body and will aid an overall improvement in your health and well – being.

Theword “Lingum” comes from the Sanskrit word for symbol as these stonesare a symbol of Lord Shiva. These stones are an integral part of their worship practices, and have been for hundreds of years.

ThisShiva Lingam Essence have such a strong energy is the fact that stonesof this shape have been worshipped by devotees for many centuries. Thiscreates a particular type of resonance within the field of purepotentiality that creates all that is. As we tune into this field ofenergy that encompasses the Divine Mind. we make contact with the sacredness that these stone have carried for centuries.

ShivaLingam Essence intensify the vibration within your energy system andwill enhance your overall health and well-being. This energy vibration within the three lower chakras, is based upon its need to work on the physical body as these chakras are about your physical existence.

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