Universal Reiki – Self Attunement

April 2, 2019 1:32 pm Published by



Universal Reiki – Self Attunement

This one I received from José Marinho dos Santos from Brazil, who has tried it out with a good result. The title was originally “Self Applied Usui Reiki Attunement”. I have tried that out as well. It is NOT Usui Reiki, but a form of Universal Reiki like the first Reiki’s Ole Gabrielsen channelled. It is also meant to be used instead of a traditional Reiki attunement, which I shall not recommend as well. But it is really god as a kind of “booster” for enhancing the Reiki energy to a broader spectrum. Dr. Jason Storm was the founder of the Taokan Temple, who also made Taokan Reiki™, Taokan Karuna™ and Taokan Seichim™. All free of pay systems. Most websites has disappeared, but José and I shall share this one with you.

Distant empowerment sent via chi ball.
You will receive a .pdf manual.
Certificate issued if needed.
Founder: Rev. Jason Storm, DM

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