White Dragon Reiki

January 28, 2018 7:37 pm Published by



White Dragon Reiki connects you to the spirit of dragons, particularly the White Dragon. This Dragon is the Dragon of purification, cleansing, and protection from negative energies and entities. The White Dragon clears your path, removes blockages in your energies and energy fields. The White Dragon heals sorrow, regrets, guilt, and all negative emotions within your being and energy fields. The White Dragon, then fills each chakra with pure love and light to bring peace, love, light, harmony, and happiness into your life. The White Dragon is so highly connected to Spirit and The Creative Source that you will feel a very beautiful, loving, energy as the White Dragon works to purify, cleanse, and heal you in body, mind, and spirit.

The White Dragon comes through as a very powerful being that carries the white light of Spirit. The energies are masculine in that there is a strong courage, strength, and power that is more aggressive than is normally associated with femininity. The White Dragon is a definite presence to be reckoned with should any negative energy confront him.

The White Dragon radiates purity and truth, wisdom and honor, and the white light pulls out negativity which may be attached to your energy fields. The White Dragon draws out anything negative or that is not for your highest good that may be clinging to your energies, body, or spirit.

Often, we can pick up negative energies from others without any knowledge of it. It is as though these negative energies just are drawn to and cling to you. This can happen when you are working with others, as in holistic healing or the medical profession very easily. But you may be in any profession. Any time you are around someone who is feeling depressed, or just down, or unhappy, angry, or upset in any way, these negative emotions which are so powerful can attach to you, drain your energies, and cling to you. Over time, this can build up and wear your resistance down to illness or disease. It is very important to keep your energy field – physical, mental, and spiritual all cleansed regularly and protected from the influences of others and any attachments of any kind.

Your chakras may become clogged, out of sequence, sluggish, or even swing into the opposite direction and begin to spin backward, too fast, or irregularly.

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