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7 Chakra Source

January 28, 2018 7:33 pm Published by

The tool created with this attunement will ”upgrade” your chakra system in less than 24 hours! You will become attuned... View Article


January 28, 2018 7:33 pm Published by

Shamanism is not religious specific. It can fit into any belief system. Shamans do not worship nature. They respect and honor nature with their behavior and gifts for her. They are not limited in belief or practice by reality. They work in two realities. Activation of the Shaman will not make you a shaman but rather help bring you into alignment and connect you with the shaman energies that you can carry with you and further develop in your healing practices.


January 28, 2018 7:33 pm Published by

Activation of the Shaman is another beautiful modality channeled by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center from the International Lightworkers Series. The word Shaman comes from the people of Evenk in Siberia. This was the name given to their spiritual leaders and healers. Shaman….what images come to mind? Can you smell the burning fire? Can you see the path to the other world? Does it bring frightening or soothing images to mind or is there a subtle combination of the two?